Individual Membership
Membership Criteria
One time Enrollment fee
Rs. 15,000 + taxes
Enrollment fee Rs. 10,000 + Annual Fee: Rs. 5,000
Yearly Renewal Fee
Rs. 5,000 + taxes
Members already enrolled need to renew their membership annually
Membership benefits

Right to vote

Individual member will have a right to vote in future elections and processes of NMA Individual member will have a right to vote in future elections and processes of NMA


Individual Member will get preference in participation in training modules conducted by NMA on subsidized rates (30% DISCOUNT) than non-members.


Individual Member will be given opportunity to be in any active council of his/her interest. Activities will be reviewed by NMA and in case of non -involvement NMA shall give review on their performance.


Members shall have access to NMA talent pool in order to get management trainees and staff of certain expertise. Placement Cell will take over this part on behalf of NMA (College placement and Job Fair).


NMA shall help its members to get linked with resources in market like agencies and vendor if they need any special assistance


NMA shall provide specialized consultation in case of member facing issues in their marketing related activities.

Code of conduct
  • No member shall place any other member lesser than them and shall not try to get extra benefits on basis of individual relationship.
  • NMA believes in value addition and each member is expected to have active role in their appointed council. Board shall review the activities and in case on no value addition NMA holds the right to revoke membership.
  • NMA is an organization working for upliftment of marketing and hence no member shall push his/her business interest in NMA. If any member is found trying to use NMA platform for personal benefits, Board holds the right to revoke membership of said individual.
  • In case of dissatisfaction on services and benefits, member gets the right to put his/her opinion to board however the member shall maintain professional decorum and boundaries and at no point shall misbehave with any board member or NMA member. In case of non-adherence, NMA board holds the right to revoke the membership and mark a red flag for future memberships.
  • No member shall pressurize NMA for not enrolling any other individual.
  • Members will have to strictly follow board’s decision and NMA Shall not be responsible to acknowledge any activity undertaken without boards consent